Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

MISSION: To protect and promote breastfeeding on the El Paso/Juárez border as the natural and expected means of feeding human infants. • MISIÓN: Proteger y promover la lactancia en la frontera El Paso/Juárez como el medio natural y esperado de alimentar a los infantes humanos.

Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

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The Birth Stories Project Preview Night

  • Mustard Seed Café at First Christian Church 1140 North Saint Vrain Street El Paso, TX, 79902 United States (map)

El Jardín Birth & Family Resource Center is documenting the current birth culture by capturing women's birth stories in the film "The Birth Stories Project."  We want every woman to have a healthy birth where she feels supported and respected.  Only by listening to what families are saying about birth can we understand our birth culture and improve it, to make sure women feel empowered by one of life's most critical moments.

Join El Jardín for appetizers, film clips and discussion, plus a Q&A session with the filmmaker. Babies and children are welcome. $5 suggested donation at the door.

Earlier Event: February 20
Regional ICAN Group meeting
Later Event: February 26
Postpartum Blues Support Group meeting

If you are experiencing any breastfeeding problems please contact your health care professional or a lactation consultant.
Si usted está teniendo problemas para amamantar, por favor contacte a su médico o un asesor de lactancia.

Copyright 2024 • Binational Breastfeeding Coalition • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization