Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

MISSION: To protect and promote breastfeeding on the El Paso/Juárez border as the natural and expected means of feeding human infants. • MISIÓN: Proteger y promover la lactancia en la frontera El Paso/Juárez como el medio natural y esperado de alimentar a los infantes humanos.

Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

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Film Screening of ZERO WEEKS

  • Women's Inter-Cultural Center 303 Lincoln St. Anthony, NM, 88021 (map)

The Alliance of Border Collaboratives and the New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force invite you to the Film Screening of ZERO WEEKS


Trailer and full description at

12:45pm Registration
1:00pm Film Screening

ZERO WEEKS is the first feature documentary to explore America’s desperate need for modern paid family leave policies. With the help of a variety of experts, we follow the historical arc of family and medical leave and how our nation arrived where it is now: lagging behind every other country in the world except for Papua New Guinea. The feature film makes an economic, social, medical, marital and global case for paid family leave by creating a poignant, hopeful and honest snapshot of how the lack of affordable time for caregiving impacts American families and business. The film follows various American families from different socioeconomic backgrounds as they are forced to choose between the family they love and the job they need. ZERO WEEKS introduces viewers to small businesses who are leading on leave, as well as doctors, economists, corporate leaders and elected officials who are making the case for paid leave. It also takes the viewer inside paid leave campaigns.

Hosted by the Southern New Mexico Promotora Committee

Earlier Event: October 12
The Breastfeeding Garden
Later Event: October 17
Del Sol Baby Café

If you are experiencing any breastfeeding problems please contact your health care professional or a lactation consultant.
Si usted está teniendo problemas para amamantar, por favor contacte a su médico o un asesor de lactancia.

Copyright 2024 • Binational Breastfeeding Coalition • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization