Effective Strategies, Tools and Techniques for Lactation, Birth and Early Parenting Professionals
Today’s parents face small concerns and (sometimes even) big challenges! This evidence-based workshop gives birth, lactation and early parenting professionals skills to help parents prevent and solve common, but important, early parenting problems, increase their confidence as new parents and promote breastfeeding duration. Workshop includes skills to:
Promote breastfeeding duration
Prevent and solve problems with baby’s sleeping & crying
Facilitate parent-child interaction
Utilize dynamic HUG Strategies
Contact Elsa Quintana (Elsa.Quintana@state.nm.us) to register for workshop.
7 Contact Hours Credit (California Board of Registered Nursing, ICEA, DONA, CAPPA)
7 CERP- 4.75 L and 2.25 R
Objectives of Workshop
Describe Newborn Zones and SOSs (Signs of Over-Stimulation) and their impact on baby’s sleep, crying, eating and attachment.
Describe three HUG Strategies.
Describe developmental events impacting breastfeeding (birth to one year)
Describe evidence-based parent education resources.
Faculty: Jan Tedder, BSN, FNP, IBCLC
Jan has served families as a nurse practitioner and lactation consultant for decades. Her well received program has been presented in 14 countries and around the USA. Jan was recognized as the NC Maternal Child Health Nurse of the Year and given the Innovative Nursing Practice and the Community Nursing Award.