The Big Latch On 2015
The Big Latch On is an international synchronized breastfeeding celebration held annually in conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week. More than 350 individuals attended the 4th annual “Big Latch On” organized by the Binational Breastfeeding Coalition (BBC). The event was held at Album Park in El Paso, Texas on August 1, 2015.
Mothers and babies started arriving at 9:00 am along with their supporting families. Upon registration, mothers received a cooler to store milk in, breastfeeding door hangers, pencils, and BBC brochures. Children received coloring sheets and crayons. The majority of the items were donated by the Texas Office of Border Health.
At 10:30 am EST, the Big Latch On countdown occurred, in which moms breastfeed their babies jointly for one full minute. This year, we had 110 mothers breastfeeding and 112 babies (two sets of twins).
All were ecstatic of breaking the record here in El Paso. The WIC program this year hosted their own BLO and 11 breastfeeding mothers participated, making the city’s total of 121 mothers.
BBC BLO by the numbers
- 2012 = 80 mothers participated
- 2013 = 82 mothers participated
- 2014 = 94 mothers participated
- 2015 = 110 mothers participated
Following the Latch On, donated items were raffled. Donors included different agencies and individuals: Bamboobies, Car seat Canopy, Department of Public Health- WIC Program, Earth Mama Angel Baby,Fairhaven Helath LLC, Happy Days Pediatrics-Dr.Alison Days, MD, Lizbeth Berkeley MPH,IBCLC, Luz Chavez,CLC, Maria Modh RN, IBCLC, Milkies Milk Saver, Nursing Pillow, Pei Wei, Rosalba Ruiz, Seven Slings, Simple Wishes, Star Kids Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Lizbeth Holguin, DDS, Texas Department of State Health Services: Office of Border Health, Texas Department of State Health Services: U.S. Mexico Border Health Commission, Udder Covers, Under Cover Mama.
Partner agencies: Baby Café, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, US- Mexico Border Health Commission, El Paso Department of Public Health, La Fe, Alliance for Border Collaboratives, La Leche League, Texas Department of State Health Services, Office of Border Health, Providencem University Medical Hospital, El Paso WIC program.