Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

MISSION: To protect and promote breastfeeding on the El Paso/Juárez border as the natural and expected means of feeding human infants. • MISIÓN: Proteger y promover la lactancia en la frontera El Paso/Juárez como el medio natural y esperado de alimentar a los infantes humanos.

Binational Breastfeeding Coalition

Filtering by Category: Presentations

Big Girls DO Cry: Breastfeeding and Mental Health (2019 Breastfeeding Lecture Series “Look Who’s Talking”)

On October 18, 2019, The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition hosted an amazing speaker for our “Look Who’s Talking” lecture series, Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBLCLC, RLC. Dr. Kendall-Tackett, a psychologist, is a world renown author, speaker and researcher in the fields of breastfeeding, trauma and mental health. She spent the day with us at University Medical Center, West, 6600 Desert Blvd. North, a beautiful new facility with a great view of the Franklins and the Oregon Mountains.

Dr. Kendall-Tackett delivered two talks: the first was “Does Breastfeeding Protect Mental Health? The Impact of Oxytocin and Stress,” and the second was “Breastfeeding’s Role in Overcoming Trauma and Adversity”. A wide variety of professionals attended, 70 in all: there were nurses, physicians, lactation consultants, speech language pathologists, professors, counselors, community health workers and a few lay people! There were attendees from both the United States and Mexico. We even had a mothers’ area at the back of the room where 6 moms with breastfed babies were able to feel comfortable and never miss a word of the presentations.

Lunch was provided by El Paso Health and there was a special lunch presentation of documentary film, “Birth in Pieces” produced by El Jardin Birth and Family. The film features interviews with new mothers as well as obstetric providers and experts in the field of anthropology and sociology. The movie tied in well with Dr. Kendall-Tackett’s topics, since mothers interviewed were very candid about their trauma and sometimes difficult birth experiences.

We would like to thank University Medical Center of El Paso, El Paso Health, Envision New Mexico at UNM, WIC El Paso, and El Jardin Birth and Family Resource Center. And, in addition, this presentation was partly sponsored with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, REACH grant, facilitated by the American Heart Association.

“What they didn’t teach you about breastfeeding in your training” with Dr. Jack Newman (2019 Breastfeeding Lecture Series “Look Who’s Talking”)

It was once said, “It takes a village to raise a family”, and in that same manner it takes a village to host a lecture with Dr. Jack Newman. It was true collaboration to host such a renowned expert in the field of lactation. Dr. Newman spoke to a room of 65 attendees, at El Paso Health’s office on the evening of June 18, 2019.

The lecture was well attended by a wide variety of lactation professionals all gathered in one place with the same agenda: to improve support for breastfeeding women and babies by learning from the dozens of brilliant video clips from Dr. Newman’s decades of practice.

Dr. Jack Newman is a Canadian-born pediatrician. He is a world famous author, lecturer and teacher. He spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of nurses, speech language pathologists, doulas, IBCLCs, CLCs, neonatologists, pediatricians, dentists, and dieticians, from El Paso, New Mexico and Ciudad Juárez, México.

As is typical for El Paso/Juárez hospitality, Dr. Jack Newman was presented with several gifts. He received a thank you plaque commemorating this event from Dr. Myriam Herrera and the BBC. He also received a basket of traditional Mexican candy donated by Dr. Karla del Bosque, from NaSer in Ciudad Juárez.  Dr. Prashant Joshi from El Paso Children’s Hospital also received a plaque and a basket of Mexican candy in recognition of the help he gave in facilitating Dr. Newman’s lecture.

The evening ended with a presentation to Dr. Newman of a beautiful painting by Patricia Beckmann, an artist well known in Mexico. The painting depicts a half woman/half Catrina breastfeeding two babies, (representing the U.S. and Mexico) with the Franklin Mountains in the background and the star on the mountain where her heart would be. The painting is entitled, “La Unión Sigue Adelante: Es Amor”. It is breathtakingly beautiful and a powerful statement.

Finally, the Binational Breastfeeding Coalition would like to enthusiastically thank all the partners who made this one-of-a-kind lecture possible: El Paso Health, Envision of UNM’s Department of Pediatrics, and Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso Department of Pediatrics.

"Sisters on the Border" Presentation

On Nov. 8 in Albuquerque NM, The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition (BBC) along with New Mexico WIC Breastfeeding on the Border Project, were invited to present at the New Mexico Hospitals and Clinics Maternity and Infant Care Summit. This year’s theme was “Bridging the Gap”. The BBC presented “Sisters on the Border” highlighting the collaboration between the 2 organizations.

Emphasis at the conference was placed on the BBC Lecture Series, Look Who’s Talking, as well as New Mexico’s Breastfeeding on the Border Project’s promotora project. Conference presenters explained that traveling from El Paso, Anthony, Chaparral, Sunland Park, and Ciudad Juarez to other major Texas and New Mexico cities is costly and time consuming. The “Sisters on the Border” presentation explained how our two organizations banded together to bring education to us at a fraction of the cost without compromising quality.

The Summit was well attended by 100 providers from New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Kansas and Tennessee. BBC had the opportunity to network with the planning committee, which may provide opportunity for future collaboration.

Please take a minute to look at the graphic artist’s interpretation of one of many sessions of “Bridging the Gap”.

Synopsis of “Breastfeeding in the Millennial Age,” the second in the 2018 Breastfeeding Educational Series, “Look Who’s Talking”

On June 22, 2018, seventy-seven registrants attended our second lecture, “Breastfeeding in the Millennial Age”. The speaker was Ms. Laurel Wilson, an internationally known lecturer with decades of experience in speaking, scores of publications and a speaking style that appeals to many different providers. Ms. Wilson, IBCLC, BS, CCCE, CLE, CLD is the co-author of two books, The Greatest Pregnancy Ever and The Attachment Pregnancy (both available on Amazon).

The June 22 special conference day featured two lectures, “Breastmilk: Epigenetics and the Microbiome,” and “Up in Smoke: The Impact of Marijuana on Babies During Breastfeeding.” These lectures offered 4 hours of continuing education credit for IBCLCs, RNs, Social Workers, and CHWs.

The day started with a light continental breakfast at the Sunland Park Casino conference room overlooking the Juárez Mountains in México. After everyone registered and enjoyed breakfast, the first lecture started. A fabulous lunch was offered to both meat eaters and vegetarians, then all enjoyed the afternoon lecture. An online evaluation was provided to all and after the results were analyzed, an astonishing unanimous positive review was enjoyed! Everyone agreed that lectures of this caliber are sorely needed in this region and all look forward to the next offering.

The day was the result of a collaboration between The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition and Amamantar Fronterizo / Breastfeeding on the Border. We are extremely grateful to Breastfeeding on the Border for providing funding for this watershed event for breastfeeding professionals here on the Texas-New Mexico-México border. 

Keep checking our website for further amazing offerings by the BBC/ Breastfeeding on the Border to come in early 2019.


Presentation at Healthy Texas Mothers & Babies Conference

Healthy Texas Mothers & Babies Conference: A Clinical and Community Life Course Perspective.

The Healthy Texas Babies initiative was developed to help Texas communities decrease infant mortality using evidence-based interventions. It involves community stakeholders, healthcare providers, and health care administrators. A reduction in infant mortality will improve the health of Texas babies and mothers and has the potential to save millions of dollars in healthcare costs. The conference, which was held on June 22-24, was centered on the Life Course Perspective and the information and practices health professionals need to improve birth outcomes and maternal health. There were two tracks, Clinical and Community/CHW, available to attendees to facilitate discussion and connection with their peers.

Adriana Corona Luevanos, Texas Department of State Health Services - Region 9/10, Office of Border Health and BBC member presented the "Binational Breastfeeding Coalition: The Border Experiences." Participants were able to identify potential organizations in order to work bi-nationally in the area of breastfeeding. They also learned about traditional and non-traditional partners working together to create a support network to empower women to breastfeed. The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition experience encouraged the audience to think outside the box in creating a culture of breastfeeding.

National Breastfeeding Coalition Conference presentation

The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition - “The Border Experience”

The 5th Annual National Breastfeeding Coalition Conference took place in Arlington Virginia on August 2- 4, 2004, this years conference theme was “Transforming Barriers into Bridges”. The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition (BBC) had the privilege of winning an abstract to present at this breastfeeding forum. 

The Binational Breastfeeding Coalition presented at the meeting as a breakout session in a panel titled Cultural Perspectives in Breastfeeding Support. The presentation center in providing the audience with an insight of what’s it like to work along the US- Mexico Border, what are the barriers, how to overcome them as well as the advantages of working between borders. 

The presentation included a summary of coalition activities to create support networks for breastfeeding mothers such as: Mother Friendly Establishments, Mother Friendly Worksites, Baby Cafes and Mother Friendly Hospitals (Hospital amigo del niño y de la madre and Milk Banks in our counterparts in Mexico); creating breastfeeding awareness with the Big Latch On, Stroller-thons and community outreach. The Coalition is also committed to increase breastfeeding research and policy changes.

Participation in this event broadens our opportunity to network with other coalitions. We would like to thank the Texas Breastfeeding Coalition for providing the funds and making it possible for the BBC to be part of this conference and continue to collectively work in changing the Breastfeeding Culture in this country and beyond.

If you are experiencing any breastfeeding problems please contact your health care professional or a lactation consultant.
Si usted está teniendo problemas para amamantar, por favor contacte a su médico o un asesor de lactancia.

Copyright 2024 • Binational Breastfeeding Coalition • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization